Volunteer or Intern with Us!
This page has general information on volunteering and internships at SYSA. If you are looking to coach a specific sport, please go to that sport’s registration page and click “register to coach”. Thanks!
Spokane Youth Sports Association’s strength is its VOLUNTEERS! Each year over 144,000 hours are given by volunteers in our various sport programs. Whether you wish to help as a board member, official, referee, coach, administrative aid, or “put your back” into keeping the fields safe, your time and efforts are valuable!
Board Members: Spokane community leaders are passionate about making sure quality sports and activities are available to Spokane’s youth. Sports enthusiasts of all professions give of their time, resources, and expertise to guide SYSA in its mission. Please reach out if you are interested in serving on the SYSA Board.
Officials/Referees/Umpires: We need these roles filled when SYSA athletes take the field/court. We can also help you connect with the local officiating associations for training.
Want to become a soccer official? Go to wareferees.org to register for the next clinic.
Administration: Keeping 9000+ players and teams organized, scheduled, and in uniforms is no simple task. A few times a year we need helping hands to sort, bundle, and distribute uniforms. It’s fun too! Please reach out if you have time to volunteer; attend pre-season meetings, find coaches, distribute uniforms, etc.
Fields and Maintenance: Some of us just love a day on the field, getting it ready for the teams and fans. Each season offers an opportunity for us to get out and pick up, paint, rake, and spread bark — all to be sure Andrew Rypien Field is ready for the kids, coaches, parents, and fans. Even if you don’t love it, we can use your help!
Field Coordinators: PAID 2 hours/day. During the season, SYSA needs help setting up and taking down the complexes on Saturdays. Includes setting out/taking down field signs and small goals. Opportunity at Southeast Sports Complex, Dwight Merkel Sports Complex, Mead, and Andrew Rypien fields spring and fall seasons.
Internships: Are you a student looking for internship hours or volunteer hours? SYSA can help you out. Below are internships and/or volunteer opportunities for you. These internships are available year-round. If you are interested, please fill out the Internship Application (link below) and submit it with a resume to receptionist@sysa.com
Please fill out the form below and we’ll be in contact soon or give us a call at (509) 328-7972.